Church of the Lutheran Confession of India

Go into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Rev. David’s Outreach – March 2010

Written by | February, 2014
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‘I have set you to be a light to the Gentiles, that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.’ (Isaiah 49:6)”

It was a great blessing for the eleven newly established CLCI congregations to meet honorable missionary Rev. Koenig and Sister Mary. The Lord has used Rev. David in a great way in this evangelism tour.

During the 9 days from 26th February to 6th March 2010, we have visited 11 new CLCI churches in the districts of Guntur and Prakasam.  During this tour of outreach, many hundreds of members heard the good news of the Gospel. The glory of God was there in all the nights. Many people were touched, encouraged and equipped with the Lord’s strength.

We have distributed New Testaments to the children and John’s Gospel to the elders in all the congregations. Rev. David prayed for many sick people in most all the congregations. We give God all glory for this wonderful mission. Surly the CLCI was blessed by this outreach.

(Please see the pictures of Rev. David’s visit in Albums folder)

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